For Fundametnals of Computer Science 2 class, I created an interactive maze "game." This project was the initial program to actually apply the concepts that I learned in the class. Minimum spanning tree and search algorithms including Kruskal's algorithm were used for this game. The programmer needed to create a maze with minimum spanning tree of a graph and find the way to implement algorithms(Breadth-first Search(BFS) and Depth First Search(DFS)) to solve the maze. The above example used DFS to find the path for the maze.
Although it was rewarding experience, it was quite challenging to actually adapt newly learned algorithms to real program. Also, I was not familiar with Test-Driven development(TDD) and tests were done after coding, which made me hard to catch the errors after.
I think I do not have tangilble future plans for this game yet as all the features I planned were implemented successfully, however, the project gave myself a lesson that TDD is important principle for software development.